Words of Encouragement and Prophecy remind us that the Lord desires to speak with us.....today.
You will find below a list of all the recorded sessions where words were given. Please feel free to create your own audio file for your word using the below files. Over time, we will try to get this done for each person. However there is also great teaching and encouragement to listening to the entire audio recording as Pr Rob provides instruction and background to how to hear from the Holy Spirit. These gifts are not just for 'pastors' to exercise, but for all believers to seek and use as we seek the Lord to encourage one another.
What to do next?
- Take a moment to listen again to the word and write down some thoughts as you listen as what you think the Holy Spirit is saying to you.
- Speak to someone you trust and share what you feel the Lord is saying to you, and ask them what they think. Invite them to listen also to the Word given.
- Begin taking steps to align yourself with the Holy Spirit and through steps of faith, give time for what was spoken to come to pass.
Listen to Pr Rob sharing about next steps here.
Sessions with Pr Rob & Pr Liz Bailey (recorded words - whole session)
- Tuesday Morning Prayer Group
- Tuesday Young Adults Small Group
- Wednesday Combined Small Group
- Friday Youth Gathering
- Saturday Night Gathering
- Sunday Service
Sunday's Message
- For Pr Rob's Sunday Service Sermon, please visit here.