June is the halfway mark of the year.  Can you believe that 2020 is nearly here because it is June of 2019 - halfway!!!

This month will be about encouragement.  The halfway mark can be good because you are halfway through.  The halfway mark can be not so good, because you still have half to go.

Each of us face a different halfway in our lives right now.  Or we certainly have faced it before, and will face it again. 

Maybe halfway through the year is just about reaching the end for a holiday, for a new opportunity, for the end of a season or a key milestone date.

Maybe you are in the middle of a trial, or you feel like you are just in a bliss of peace and you do not want it to end.  Whatever the situation, being encouraged to stay on the trail is vital for faithfulness.

June is about being encouraged in whatever season you are in.  Sundays in June are about encouragement for halfway.  The series commences on 9 June > stay on the trail.