In our desire to cut down the talking at Announcement Time on a Sunday, we can tend to miss out on informing the Assembly about the scope of activities that we are involved in as a church. We thought it might be worthwhile to remind us all of the many things that we do, apart from our main Sunday service. Let me list some of those activities, in no particular order.


Sunday Service involving a Prayer meeting, Musicians, Preachers, Children’s Church teachers, Creche, Welcomers, Data projector, Sound Desk, Kitchen Duty Team, Communion Preparation, Communion distributors, Lockup, Offering Counters, 10:40 teen teaching. Each of our Children’s workers is Police checked.


Elders, five brothers who meet usually the first Monday of each month. They pray, discuss Assembly matters, look to the future, and generally oversee our church health. Elders often visit our people in their homes or hospitals as needed.


Tuesday Prayers, 9am to 10am at which there are usually seven or eight, but sometimes more. We ask, what has the Lord been saying to you? We pray for our ministries, individuals in need, for other churches. We pray for the nation.


Talking Tuesday for ladies. Teaching with time for questions and discussion. Learn lots and ask lots. Then Morning Tea and fellowship.


Finance Team. We have a small dedicated and efficient finance team which keeps our finances up-to-date and in presentable form. Auditing is done by professional auditors external to our assembly.


Kids Club. Friday nights from 5:15-7pm. Around 12-15 kids attend, and our team consists of about 12 who teach, cook, lead activities and interact with parents


AMOS is a group which meets monthly on a Saturday afternoon especially designed to facilitate fellowship for our older members.


Kids Hope. A program whereby 7 of our people spend one-on-one time with an assigned student at Burnside Primary School mentoring them as they navigate life’s challenges. The kids get to realise that their mentor is there for them each week exclusively to listen and to encourage them with unconditional love.


Magill Retirement Village. On the first Wednesday of each month, Pastor Alf and Jeff Byerley lead a worship service at the Village. A lady from St Matt’s church plays piano for us. There are usually about 6 or 7 folks, sometimes more, from the village attend.


Norwood Pageant. Much of the drive for the Pageant stems from this assembly. There is a committee of 7, 4 of whom are from BFC. We plan the Pageant, distribute work responsibilities, liaise with other churches, work with Norwood Council, coordinate businesses who supply goods and services such as trucks, sound systems, flyers, websites.


Missions.   We are a very giving church. We support missions in lots of ways. Financially, by sending personnel, and spiritually with prayer. We support orphanages in Sri Lanka and Indonesia. We gave last year for the purchase of a 4-wheel drive in Africa. We give money and office space to Rahab. We send significant finances to support Chaplaincy. Last financial year we gave approximately 30% of our income to missions.


Burnside Interchurch Council meets 4 times per year to plan and execute combined activities such as Prayers, Chaplaincy support, and the annual fundraiser Quiz etc. Two from our church act on that body and are significant participators.


Teachers’ Appreciation Morning.

Each year, people from BFC provide a very lavish morning tea to teachers at Marryatville Primary School to say “thank you” for the teachers’ commitment to students. We get to give a short speech commending them and encouraging them to go on with their dedication.


Chaplaincy.  We have a major commitment to Chaplaincy. Andrew is an Area Manager. Sheila was, up until recently, a Chaplain at Burnside Primary School. We contribute significant finances to Chaplaincy each year.


Combined Churches monthly prayers Each month, we are the drivers of the Combined Churches Prayer Breakfasts which meet mostly in our building, but also moves around to other church venues. Here we pray for our churches, our area, our nation, and our ministers. This expression of unity flows over into many of our other combined activities.


Facilities Team The physical buildings are cared for by a team of practically minded, hands-on, people who have a good eye for the state of the buildings. They meet fairly regularly and commission work needing to be done. Sometimes by Working Bees, sometimes by specialized tradesmen.


Home Groups. Held in the evenings, fortnightly, and in various homes. Relaxed teaching, discussion, and questions. They usually include a shared supper.


Tamil Meetings. Our church facilities are loaned to a group of red hot Tamil Christians who meet here a couple of times a month for worship, prayer, and outreach.


All of us ought to thank the Lord for the wonderful way in which this body works together in unity and in harmony. Pray for our church that God’s blessings continue and increase as we seek Him.