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Porneia DVD

The Porneia DVD is available to be borrowed any time.  It can be found in the bookshelf in the little store room in between the Youth Room and the Office.

And our series page is here - https://burnsidefamilychurch.com/porneiaseries



Return to Gathering

COVID Restrictions in Place

With current State Directions, we are unable to gather physically at 88 Lockwood Road.

Please join us for our online service at 10.00a Sunday by visiting our website.

We look foward to be able to gather again as soon as possible.  In the meantime, please contact and encourage one another!

And may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times and in every way. The Lord be with all of you. 2 Thes 3:16

Porneia - Sunday Nights July

July is often a month celebrated as DRY JULY.  The idea is to allow the body to detox from alcohol.  It is a middle of the year health and wellbeing concept.

Well, can I suggest something even more powerful than Dry July, and that is porn.

Yes, you read it....porn.

Porn is one of the greatest understated taboo issues facing our culture and the Church.  Yet it rarely is referenced, examined, spoken about or discussed.  Porn mostly happens in secret, but the prevelance of smart devices and internet access has brought the private and taboo nature of porn into the norm.  Porn is shared, discussed and watched now in groups and young adults and children access it on demand.....for free!   Children and young people of today are all exposed, and have access to porn.

So please do not avoid Dry July.  But in the same way, open yourself to be informed about the destructive influence of internet porn this July at Burnside Family Church.  Porneia will run across 4 Sunday evenings in July starting at 5.30pm.  The services are open to everyone and would be very acceptable to high school students. This series will enlargen your understanding of porn and it will help you work through options to avoid and get out of porn.

If you have sons and daughters, a father or mother, friends or collegues, then this series will remove the taboo and unspoken nature of porn.  Free and accessible 24/7, porn has fully infiltrated our culture.  In the United States, eleven is the average age that a child is first exposed to porn, and 94% of children will see porn by the age of 14.  56% of American divorces record one party having an “obsessive interest” in porn.  70% of Christian youth pastors report at least one teen seeking help in dealing with pornography in the past 12 months.  68% of church-going men and over 50% of pastors view porn on a regular basis.  76% of young Christian adults (18-24yo) actively search for porn.

Do not believe that you do not need to know or that this issue does not concern you.  While this matter may not be a temptation to you, being informed to help others is essential, and inviting someone you care about to this powerful teaching series may be the start of freedom for them.  Together, let us see the light of Jesus reach this secret and taboo subject.  Hope you will join us.



















Wherever the Internet is regularly accessed around the globe, pornography is changing the way humanity views sex. The word porneia (πορνεύω) appears 26 times in the New Testament of the Bible and is the root of the English words "pornography" and "pornographic".


Finding out what God has to say about pornography is crucial for protecting our minds and homes from a perverse view of sex.
Drawing from both the latest research in neuroscience and the time-tested wisdom of the Bible, Brad Huddleston helps viewers understand the effect that pornography has on the brain, and offers strategies that will bring healing to those affected by this global tragedy.




Latest COVID Update - 1 April 2021

Please find a copy of our latest COVID News regarding recent updates from the Government.

A key adjustment we have made is to remove wipedowns after gatherings at 88 Lockwood Road.

A copy can be picked up from the Info Table in the Church Foyer.

You can also download a PDF copy here: COVID Communication #7

A copy of our COVID Gathering Form required for all gatherings can be seen here: COVID Gathering Form

The files are PDF format and can be read using Acrobat Reader.