The message of the gospel is intrinsically connected to the mandate to:

"make disciples of all nations"

as commanded by Christ.

( Matt 28:16-20 ; Mark 16:15-18 ; Luke 24:46-49 ; John 20:21-23 ; Acts 1:8 ).

Mark says it like this – to go into ‘all the world’ and preach the gospel to all creation. These words provide our series title – ‘all the world’.

The feet in the series promo picture on the front cover reflects the need for our proactive and meaningful response – to step out, to go, to take steps, to move, to get up, to look ahead, to play a part…

All the World series is about our mandate to take steps each day and each week in sharing the gospel to all creation - in all the world!

Without being proactive to the mandate, our Christian lives can become a bubble where we are captured by the needs of ourselves. But be encouraged in that as you ‘step out’, you share in the mission of Jesus, the great co-mission He has invited us into. And only in sharing in this mission does this life really make sense, have true purpose, and honour our Lord.

Series Breakdown

‘All the World’ comprises 6 messages exploring three core concepts:

  • world missions (3) – our mandate to participate in global missions and make a difference in our world
  • community connection (2) – our mandate to connect with our community in projects outside our church, and activities within our church, connecting with our local community
  • neighbourly witnesses (1) – our mandate to be a witness of the life of Jesus and what He has done in our lives, and sharing this story and reality with our neighbours

Reading & Reflection

The Book of Acts records Christians who witnessed the life of Jesus, and the beginnings of the early Church, taking the mandate to share the good news of salvation, and live as Jesus commanded following Him in discipleship and going into All the World.

Our hope is that as a Church, we would all take time to read the Book of Acts and capture the heart of those who determined in their hearts to be witnesses of the gospels in every aspect of their lives.

Why not read a chapter of Acts and be inspired each day!

Download the Series Booklet Here

Resources for the Book of Acts